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The Rule 9 of the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement)
Rules, 2016, stipulates that;
1) The utilization of hazardous and other wastes as a resource or after pre-processing either for coprocessing or for any other use, including within the premises of the generator (if it is not part of
process), shall be carried out only after obtaining authorization from the State Pollution Control
Board in respect of waste on the basis of standard operating procedures of guidelines provided by
the Central Pollution Control Board.
2) Where standard operating procedures or guidelines are not available for specific utilization, the
approval has to be sought from Central Pollution Control Board which shall be granting approval on
the basis of trial runs and thereafter, standard operating procedures or guidelines shall be prepared
by Central Pollution Control Board.
Provided, if trial run has been conducted for particular waste with respect to particular utilization
and compliance to the environmental standards has been demonstrated, authorization may be
granted by the State Pollution Control Board with respect to the same waste and utilization, without
need of separate trial run by Central Pollution Control Board and such cases of successful trial run,
Central Pollution Control shall intimate all the State Pollution Control Board regarding the same.
3) No trial runs shall be required for co-processing of waste in cement plants for which guidelines by the
Central Pollution Control Board are already available; however, the actual users shall ensure
compliance to the standards notified under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986), for
cement plant with respect to co-processing of waste, Provided that till the time the standards are
notified, the procedure as applicable to other kind of utilization of hazardous and other waste, as
enumerated above shall be followed”
As per the aforesaid provisions of utilization of hazardous and other wastes as a resource or afterpre-processing either for co-processing or for any other use, including within the premises of the
generator (if it is not part of process), shall be carried out only after taking approval from Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and/or obtaining authorization from the State Pollution Control
Board in respect of waste on the basis of standard operating procedures or guidelines provided by
the CPCB, as the case may be.


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